Toronto Real Estate

Category Archives: Resources

Summer 2010

Is it summer already? 2010 has been quite the whirlwind so far. The introduction of the new HST (a tax for all goods and services which includes both GST and PST, guaranteed to affect consumer confidence, and not in a good way); record breaking real estate sales (now showing signs of slowing); historically low mortgage rates, now steadily rising, coupled with major government enforced changes to lending guidelines: non owner occupied income properties now require a 20% down payment, using stated income now has stricter policies, re-financing your property can now only be up to 90% of its appraised value as opposed to 95% and you are now qualified based upon the 5 year rate or Bank of Canada rate, depending on the term that you choose for your mortgage; All indications are that the second half of this year will look very different and that there will be some great buying opportunities going forward. This is a perfect time to liquidate some investments and go to cash.

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Spring 2010

I hope 2010 has gotten off to a great start for you. The real estate market started this year at full gallop and we are currently experiencing a very strong sellers market once again. We have record low inventory levels and a very strong demand since housing has become very affordable to purchase due toContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Winter 2009

How was your year? Mine was one of tumultuous change and life lessons, resulting in a stronger, happier and more content me. I have come to realize that true character is born as a result of the choices we make every day in our lives, regardless of what circumstances come and the hand we areContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Fall 2009

How was your summer? I’m sure that this question will evoke another question: “what summer?”, but I see summer as more than just good weather. It’s the best time of year to take a much needed break from our busy stressful lives and find some recovery time. I hope you did just that. The coolContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Summer 2009

I hope the first half of 2009 has been great for you. Over the past few months, the Toronto real estate market has really been hopping & sales broke 8000 for the month of April, an excellent turn around (refer to the first graph on the opposite side of this letter). I call what weContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Spring 2009

Here we are just a few weeks from spring…already, and I can’t wait. Saying good bye to snow, ice and cold temperatures always puts a big smile on my face. Over the past few months, I’ve been afforded the time to challenge my creative juices and have designed, with a trusted colleague, a new website:Continue ReadingContinue Reading

Hip City Newsletters

Our newsletters talk about city living, lifestyles, real estate, and condominium living. You will need Adobe Acrobat or a similar application to view them. You can download Adobe Acrobat here. If you would like to recieve our newsletter by e-mail, please send a request to Our Newsletters: Summer 2010 Spring 2010 Winter 2009 FallContinue Reading

Summer 2006

As I write this, I’m once again amazed at how fast another year is going. Isn’t it funny how, as adults, we experience time passing too quickly, yet as children, we were so anxious to get older and thought time moved too slowly? Summer seems to be the perfect time of year to try reversingContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Autumn 2006

Since summer is the slowest time of year for real estate, it was the perfect opportunity to promote and get the restaurant organized. It is now sufficiently set up to operate without my being there on a regular basis, allowing my focus, time and attention to be on real estate, taking care of your needsContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Spring 2006

The spring real estate market has started early this year, mostly because of the mild weather conditions. Although the mortgage rates have begun to incline, we remain in a strong sellers’ market and the demand still greatly outweighs the supply in the majority of the GTA. Bidding wars are back in full force and thereContinue ReadingContinue Reading